
Using The Python String Format Method Like A Pro Part 1

How you format your text is important in text processing and python is not left out, giving you several options to make your output appear presentable. I decided to delve into the issue of python formatting in today’s post while reading some code. I appreciated the way the author applied python string formatting. So, I decided to devote two posts to string formatting because I believe my readers would be interested in it.

python string format method makes output presentable

In python you format your output using the format method of the string class. What is also called the python str.format method (or python string format method) to differentiate it from the python literal f-strings. A format string contains two types of features that would have to be sent to the output: literal text and replacement fields. Replacement fields are surrounded by curly braces, {}, and refers to objects that have to be formatted, while literal text refers to whatever you want to leave unchanged in the output. So, what we are interested in are replacement fields.

To give you an idea of what replacement fields are, read and run the following code:

You will see that in the string part of the python format method in the code above, there are two curly braces and they serve as replacement fields whose values are provided by the parameters, name and age, of the python format method. We are going to be discussing how you can format your output based on the replacement fields and parameters.

The syntax of the python string format method

The syntax of the python string format method is: template.format(p0, p1, k0=v0, k1=v1) where template refers to the string you want to format. As I said before, the template consists of both literal text and replacement fields. Replacement fields are denoted by whatever is in curly brackets, {}. The arguments p0 and p1 refers to the positional arguments while k0 and k1 refers to the keyword arguments. Positional and keyword arguments are used to insert values into the replacement fields in the template. We will cover all these and give you ideas on how to use them.

The replacement fields have three optional features: field names, conversion fields that are preceded by an exclamation point, !, and format specifications. Today’s post will cover how to specify the field names and conversion fields while the next post will be on format specifications.

The field names in the string replacement fields.

The replacement field starts with an optional field name. The field name refers to the object whose value is to be inserted. The object is specified in the parameter of the format method. The field name is either a number or a keyword.

  1. Where the field name is a number:
  2. An example to illustrate this is below:

    name = 'Michael'
    age = 29
    print('Hello, you name is {0} and your age is {1}'.format(name, age))

    You can see that in the template above, there are two curly braces or replacement fields. The first has the number 0 and the second has the number 1. The curly brace with 0 refers to the first positional argument which is found as a parameter to the format method and here this is the variable, name, while the curly brace with 1 refers to the second positional argument which is the variable, age.

    If you so desire, you can choose to leave out the numbering of the curly braces and python will insert them on your behalf. Like this:

    name = 'Michael'
    age = 29
    print('Hello, you name is {} and your age is {}'.format(name, age))
  3. Where the field name is a keyword.
  4. The python string format method provides for instances where you can specify keyword arguments as parameters and the replacement fields requires you to specify the keywords. An example is below:

    print('Hello, you name is {name} and your age is {age}'.format(name='Michael', age=29))

    You can see now that I have inserted the keywords into the curly braces because the parameters are keyword arguments.

    Using keywords as arguments is super powerful. It gives you the ability to change the ordering of the parameters in the replacement fields. For example, instead of following the ordering of the positional arguments, I could order the replacement fields as it suits my fancy:

    Check out the code above and the one before it. See how I interchanged the ordering of the keyword arguments in the replacement fields. We could try another example to show you how powerful this is.

    print('In {country}, there are {number} million people speaking {language}.'.format(language='English', number=300, country='USA'))

    Now, let’s insert it into the embedded python interpreter so you can run it:

    With keyword arguments you are not constrained to any sort of ordering. You choose how you want it to be. You can check out this post if you want a refresher on positional and keyword arguments.

    Note: What if you want to have the brace as a literal text in the template? Simple, just double brace it.

    print('This is doubling the braces {{{name}}} for {name}'.format(name='Michael'))

    I doubled the braces for the first replacement field. Let’s run it to see how it would appear on the embedded interpreter.

    When you run it, you will notice that braces now literally appears in the output.

    Now, what if your parameters are lists or an object with attributes whose value you want to show on output? The next two sections below will show you how.

  5. Where the parameter to format is a list.
  6. To make the output appear as you want it to, you can specify the parameter as a keyword argument or a positional argument. Look at the code below and see how. First, I specify it as a keyword argument. That means, you need to implicitly specify the list in the parameter and index it in the replacement field. But if you want it as a positional argument, you need to specify the index as parameter.

    What python does when you specify it either way is to call the __getitem__() method of the list. I discussed about this method in an earlier post on sequences.

  7. When the object has attributes with values.
  8. When the object in the parameter has an attribute whose value you want to format, you can directly call the attribute in the replacement field. The code below shows how in the method get_fruit. What the 0.index and 0.fruit does is call the getattr() function of the object, self, in order to get the required value. In the code below I created a fruit class with a class attribute, index, so that whenever a fruit is created it is tagged with an index (instead of creating a list) and then the index is incremented to tag the next fruit.

Be creative. Play with your own objects to test how format calls attributes from the replacement field.

I think that’s all for field names. After the field names come an optional conversion field.

Syntax of the conversion field

The conversion field is optional, but if specified, it is preceded by an exclamation point, !, to differentiate it from the field name. It causes type conversion before any formatting of the replacement fields takes place. But one may ask – doesn’t every object have a default __format__() method? Yes, they do. But the creators of python realized that sometimes you want to force a specific string representation of an object.

There are three types of specifiers for the conversion field: !s, !r, and !a specifiers.

  1. The !s specifier:
  2. The !s conversion specifier gives you a string representation of the object in the replacement field. What it does is call str() on the object in the replacement field, converting it to a string. This is the default string formatting.

  3. The !r specifier
  4. You can use this when you want the true string representation of an object to be specified, and not just outputting it as a string. This representation contains information about the object such as the type and the address of the object. This specifier calls the repr() method of the object.

  5. The !a specifier
  6. This specifier also outputs the true string representation of an object but it replaces all non-ascii characters with \x, \u or \U. This specifier calls the ascii() method of the object. It works like the !r specifier if you have no non-ascii characters in the object.

Here is an example illustrating all three types. Notice how the object type appeared in the output for !r and !a.

As another illustration, you can compare the output of the !s and !r in a string with quotes showing or not showing.

In my use of the conversion fields, I have found that making them optional has served me well. So, they just come in for special cases of formatting.

Now, the third and last feature of the replacement field option is the format specifier which is explained in this post. This is where the real juice of replacement fields are stored.

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