
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Do Face Masks Really Protect Against Covid-19 As Claimed?

Public health officials have launched a protracted campaign to make us believe that wearing a face mask prevents the spread of Covid-19, the latest pandemic. But is this true? That was the question on the mind of a Duke physician, Eric Westman, who was a champion for people putting on masks. He wanted to be sure that he was recommending the right prevention technique to people and businesses. So he decided to carry out a proof-of-concept study. A proof-of-concept study is a study that aims to test whether a technique or method is really as effective as claimed. Also it is used in science as a testing phase to verify the feasibility of a method, a technique or even an idea. When scientist carry out an investigation in science, they start with an idea like this.

face mask like this are good against pandemics

Doctor Westman was working with a non-profit and he needed to provide face masks to people. He was also skeptical about the claims that mask providers were making about how effective their marks were against a pandemic like covid-19, so he went to a chemist and physicist at the University, Martin Fischer, Ph.D. and asked him to carry out a test on various face masks. The test they did was based on both surgical masks used in medical settings and cloth face masks. They also carried out tests on bandanas and neck fleeces used by people who claim they can prevent the spread of covid-19.

Fischer’s line of work usually involves exploring the mechanisms involved in optical contrast while doing molecular imaging studies. He was intrigued by the doctor’s challenge so he set out to help him. For the study he used materials that were freely available; something that can easily be bought online. These materials include a box, a laser, a lens, and a cell phone camera.

From the study it was reported that it proved positive and showed that face mask were effective at preventing the spread of Covid-19. They recently published their scientific study article in the journal “Science Advances”. Despite this being a low cost technique, it helped to prove that face mask prevent droplets coming out of the mouth while speaking, sneezing or coughing from being transmitted from one person to another. They reported that while carrying out the study they could see that when people speak to each other, cough, or sneeze that molecules of droplets are passed from one person to the other. They also confirmed that it is not all masks that are effective at preventing the spread of droplets. Some face coverings were seen to perform better than others in preventing the spread of droplets.

So how did the masks compare? They tried out the proof-of-concept study on various masks and compared their effectiveness. They found that the best masks were the N95 masks which were used in medical settings. They also found that surgical masks and masks made of polypropylene were equally effective in preventing the spread of droplet molecules. Face masks which were made from cotton allowed some molecules to pass through but were found to have good coverage. They could eliminate several droplets that were being passed when people were speaking. Overall it was shown that bandanas and neck fleeces should not be used at all or recommended as face covering. This was because they were ineffective in blocking the spread of droplet molecules.

When the physicist was asked if this was the final word on the subject, he replied in the negative. Therefore more studies need to be carried out because this is just a demonstration to show the effectiveness of various face masks. The study was done to help businesses see that they can carry out these tests themselves before investing on any type of face mask or face covering.

When asked on the benefits of the study, Westman, who was inspired to start it, said that many people and businesses have been asking him about how they could test all these face masks that were new in the market. So he decided to show that businesses could carry out the tests themselves with very simple materials. He said that the parts for the testing were easily purchased online and they were putting out this information to help others.

As they hoped, they have shown that various face coverings that were being promoted by public health officials were indeed effective in preventing the transmission of molecular droplets from one person to the other.

Although this is just a proof-of-concept and not a rigorous testing technique, one can confidently recommend the use of face masks to individuals and businesses because they really work in preventing the spread of covid-19. My advice to everyone is to stay safe, wear a face mask, and help stop the spread of covid-19. We will see an end to this soonest. Please, carry out social distancing and regular hand washing to prevent the spread of this current pandemic.

Material for this post was provided by the website.

How much does MethyMercury (MeHg) pollution cost in EuroZone? Ten billion euros!

No matter how poisonous it is to the brain, especially to infants, children and fetuses, mercury pollution seems unavoidable, especially if you live in a developing country where regulation and alternatives seem nonexistent or very expensive. Name it – either from plants manufacturing chlorine bleach, detergents or shoes, or firms where Polylvinyl Chloride (a.k.a PVC) is part of the production process, then mercury pollution is part of the problems we have to bear.

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According to the environmental protection agency (EPA), the waste that is left for many days in your kitchen, medical waste and incinerators that are used to burn these wastes also emit mercury into the atmosphere. In countries with coal mining industries, mercury is emitted into the atmosphere through coal-fired plants, or cement industries that fire kilns run by coal. The worst culprit, tralala!, is gold mining. Thousands of pounds of mercury are released when that wonderful metal is heated for separation and not only into the air, directly into underground water.

Pollution does not only contaminate the waters, air and land, it also makes us sick and sometimes, the costs in ill-health and lost working days run into the billions. So, is it with mercury pollution.

Mercury pollution works by bioaccumulation and bioconcentration.

If ecosystems and food chains were as simple as an artists imagination, there would be less problems from pollution and human negative impacts.
Unlike greenhouses gases like carbon dioxide which directly pollutes your lungs and gives you cancer and ill-health, mercury pollution works indirectly. Mercury pollution works by bioaccumulation and bioconcentration.

Bioaccumulation is the process of taking in a pollutant such as mercury and then storing them in the body . After mercury is released into the air and water through the sources which I outlined above, the eventual media for mercury reaction to take place is water. Whether in soils containing water or in bodies of water, there are some organisms that methylate mercury or add methyl compound to mercury, thereby transforming it to methylmercury (MeHg). Methylmercury, not mercury on its own, is the devil to be afraid of. MeHg is a neurotoxin, damages the brain and impairs neuromotor development. Methylmercury accumulates in tiny plants and animals which are the start of the food chain. By a series, whether short or lengthy, of consumption patterns, MeHg accumulates in the food chain and into our meals.

First, tiny plants (or phytoplanktons) and animals (or zooplanktons) take up MeHg. These are then eaten up by other animals, accumulating it. Eventually big fishes and animals like Tilapia eat these other fishes and also accumulate MeHg. Finally, you and I take up these poisons into our system when we catch and make these big fishes part of our meals. The higher the organism is in the food chain, or the bigger the size of the organism, the higher the amount of MeHg poison you will find in it. This means that by eating big fishes like Tilapia contaminated with methylMercury, you stand a high chance of having it in your system. This process is called bioconcentration, the higher an organism is in the food chain, the higher its concentration of methylmercury.

The cost is extremely high

MeHg pollution attacks the nervous system, whether in adults or children, although children, fetuses and infants are more vulnerable. It damages the nervous system. It can stop your nerves from working well; can affect the workings of your memory such that you can no longer keep attention when needed; it can affect how your limbs work, and furthermore, it can affect how your eyes calculates space such that you could mistakenly fall down from a story building without realizing it. In health and human terms, the cost is enormous.

A team of researchers wanted to find out the effect of MeHg poisoning in 17 European countries by collecting hair samples from mothers and their children. They found that 1.8 million children are born exposed to toxic levels of MeHg, and of these, about 13% (i.e 232,000) are exposed to hazardous levels. By country analyses showed that children born in Portugal and Spain were most exposed, while Hungarian children were the least.

A member of the research team, Prof. Philippe Grandjean, explained that converting the effects of MeHg on developing brains into IQ points would mean that controlling MeHg pollution equates to 700,000 IQ points per year that would be salvaged; translated into monetary benefits, these is equal to between 8 billion to 9 billion euros per year for the whole of the European Union . Controlling exposure levels in European countries is certainly worth the effort.

The task of controlling MeHg is everyone’s responsibility.

Although MeHg seems unavoidable, the task of controlling it is everyone’s responsibility. Reducing exposure to safety limits should be the goal of every country. Many corporations are going green these days. You can encourage your local power supplier to do the same. When buying items like shoes, bags, and detergents, ask about the manufacturing process. Read the labels. Make sure PVC was not used in the production process. Ask experts in your local community about this if you are in doubt. Keep yourself informed concerning health, safety and environmental issues.

Doing the above, as well as other safety measures, will go a long way in either ensuring you are free from MeHg poisoning, or you chose a lifestyle that will ensure your exposure to MeHg is below the safe limit of 0.58µg/g recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

As of writing this article, a yahoo online news article reports that [u.n clinches global deal on cutting mercury emissions more than 140 countries have agreed on the first global treaty to cut mercury pollution through a blacklist of household items and new controls on power plants and small-scale mines, the United Nations said on Saturday, January 19.The treaty will take between three to five years to come into effect. This is welcome news for world health. I pray the UN does achieve its goals.

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Boosting mental health through regular exercises that can make anxiety and fear fly away

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Beach Jogger. Credit:, Steve Crane
On TV, while watching a soap opera, a sudden commercial shows three muscular men with handsome faces. You take a look at yourself on the mirror; it makes you feel depressed. Some could go to the length of opting for steroids to get some results fast. Some would opt for the gym and start taking more exercises and muscle building tune-ups in order to appear handsome and athletic. Yes, it is on record that a sudden depression or anxiety due to one’s looks can be attributable to general anxiety disorder. General anxiety disorder (GAD) is a frequent and constant worry about things like one’s look, career, health etcetera which is disproportionate to the actual source of worry. By the way, such worry often interferes with daily life.

Taking to the gym because you want to look good is fine. But do you know that getting constant regular exercise like going to the gym can also improve your mental health? That is, it can help you stave off and cure problems like depression and anxiety disorders?

Two factors that are at work

Several studies have shown that adolescents who were physically inactive, who live sedentary lives or who perceive their bodies as either “too thin” or “too fat” were at greater risk of internalizing problems like depression and externalizing problems like substance abuse. By participating in organized sports, these youths can place themselves at a lower risk for mental health problems. Two factors are at work in this regard.

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The first factor that has been used to explain why exercises can boost your mental health is the self-image hypothesis. It suggests that the positive effects on body weight and body structure due to physical activity leads to positive feedback from peers and improves one’s self-image, thereby improving mental health. When you feel good about yourself because others make positive comments about how your recent regime of exercises makes your body look good, then you are making yourself healthy in the mind.

The second explanation for this relationship is the social interaction hypothesis. It explains the improved mental health from physical activity as being a result of the increased social relationship and mutual support received from peers or colleagues that contributes to exercises having an effect on mental health. This hypothesis tells us that people whom we respect and whom we care about make us do exercises because they give us positive comments while not realizing on the other hand that we are not only building a healthy social system, but also healthy minds.

Take a health assessment before choosing exercising regime

Many persons who read this article might be living sedentary lives because they work more with their minds than their hands. It cannot be helped. Yet, they can help themselves by taking to regular exercise regimes. Do not start though without seeking a medical health assessment where it is available. It is recommended that a weekly dose of 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise or 75 minutes a week of vigorous intense activity like lifting weights is beneficial for one’s physical and mental health. When starting out, focus on the short term benefits of such exercising rather than the long term because the short term benefits like reducing stress, improving your mood, makes you sustain the exercising after a long period of time.

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So, whether you are a health care provider or a health enthusiast, use physical activity as a booster for your mental health. You could end up saving yourself lots of worry, fear and financial debts in the long run, if not depression and excessive anxiety right now.

(Related Post: Will She marry rich or poor? Wealthy women seeking sexual partners see no difference! )

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Michael has a renal disease. Can the doctor save his kidney with cash?

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Michael (names changed) doing dialysis. Credit:, Jimforest.
Michael (original name withheld) has a renal disease. The doctors say he would not live long without a kidney transplant. He has been surviving for long on dialysis. “You have to wait for longer time,” the doctors told him, because there is a shortage of available kidneys for people like him who need transplant. He has been waiting for a long time now and his parents and friends are getting worried. “We hope to find a compatible kidney from a deceased donor, although having a living donor donate you his kidney is not impossible.”

“Can we pay for someone to donate a kidney?”


I heard it is possible,“ his father tells the doctor.

His father is ready to pay for the funeral expenses of any deceased donor. He is ready to help the child of anyone alive who would donate a kidney to Michael. He was ready to save the life of his son for anything.

The doctor is shy of accepting a black market for kidneys. The World Health Organization, (WHO), has acknowledged it though that one in every five kidneys transplanted per year comes from the black market.

The black market is an unethical alternative for a kidney.

The doctor consults his colleagues in Canada. A released Canadian study revealed that Canadians are not averse to financial incentives for kidney donations from a living or deceased donor. He was also referred to a 2010 University of Pennsylvania health study that found that if offered financial incentives for kidney donation while alive, most persons might not be influenced to risk their health for money, and that it would not crowd out the market for generous, altruistic kidney donations.

The doctor is skeptical about the University of Pennsylvania’s conclusions. He knows that a booming black market that exists in Asia and South Africa was pointing to the contrary, especially for the poor. He could remember the widely reported news that Serbians summarily executed their prisoners, selling their kidneys to waiting transplant surgeons for monetary benefits. The doctor is conscious that Michael has been waiting, like many others, for a kidney. He did not want Michael to die, but his conscience was disturbed applying for a kidney from black market sources. He did not understand the logic behind why a doctor should allow the use of kidneys from donors with risk factors for harboring transmittable infections. The strained supply did make some push ethics aside.

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In the evening he was supposed to check on Michael’s condition. How he envied this young man! He had struggled through medical school on loans! What Michael’s parents had spent on dialysis was staggering.

After every option is considered, a life is more important than money.

“I wish one of your relatives, or friends, had a compatible kidney. It would solve this brouhaha.”

Michael only sighed. The wait would have to continue.

“We are looking out for every avenue to save your life. Don’t worry, your wait will soon be over,” the doctor promised.

“We are considering doing what your father asked for. When we find someone that is ready to give his kidney so that we can pay his family to take care of themselves after that, your wait will be over. Just one of my options.”

“I hope it will not discomfort the family? I do not want to be seen as a heartless person.”

“It is better than having to go to the market to buy a kidney, any kidney. “

Michael sighed.

“It is illegal?”

“But not in Iran. Donors get about $2,000 to $4,000 for a kidney. They have literally eliminated the waiting list there. What I have not heard is how much of human body parts is being sold on the open market. Where money is involved, people do all sorts of deceptive things to get it, to the extent of making others slaves.”

He looks Michael straight in the eye. Michael did not flinch.

“There is so much poverty in the world, you know,” Michael said. He understood the doctor’s concerns like one does understand the difference between sunset and sunrise.

The doctor lowered his head. He thought Michael could read his mind.

“People have ways of making the impossible possible. What about these poor people? Some end up sick afterwards without realizing what they have put their signature to.”

“I understand.”

“I have applied for a kidney for you; from the black market.”

“I have absolute trust in you, doctor.”

He sighed. A big weight was off his shoulders.

“We will check and double check for every sort of disease, hepatitis and HIV. It is unfortunate, unless you have to wait longer. I did it to save your life, Michael.”

“Whatever you say, doc.”

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Reducing childhood obesity – make them move more while leaning on good nutrition.

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Obesity in children., Joe_13
Obesity, or the expansion of waistlines, is now a major concern globally. That is why I decided to make it the subject of my online research for this week. The links bellow are important topical aspects of childhood obesity which I found on the Net.

Childhood obesity is now a global epidemic.

Who is to blame?

More people in the world are obese than hungry. This could be due to, amongst others, over-consumption of unhealthy foods, increasingly sedentary lifestyles and the increase in incomes earned by people all over the world. Who is to blame for this trend? This question is striking particularly where snack food multinationals are spread worldwide and traditional foods are not questioned for their high calorie content. – Source: Alaska Dispatch.

Suggested ways to tackle childhood obesity.

This author emphasizes physical activity. He cites statistics that are relevant to Canada: 2007, 20% of adolescents had unhealthy weights; by 2040, 70% of adults aged 40 years and over will be overweight. The cost of all these in terms in hospital bills is high, along with the cost of unemployment due to obesity. Some solutions the author thinks are workable are Physical Education programs in schools and less of TV and video games viewing for our kids. Also, parents should teach their kids how to develop healthy eating habits. Source: The Daily News

From the Research Labs.

Obesity rates in U.S children has tripled in past 30 years.

According to research statistics, 17% of 2 – 19 year olds in the U.S are obese. 1 in 7 low-income preschoolers are obese. Between 1980 and 2008, number of overweight U.S children has tripled.
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The extra weight increases the chances of these kids’ developing high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and asthma along with other chronic health problems. He advises parents to get the kids moving more and providing good nutrition. They should substitute fruits for peanut butter sandwiches. Source: Winona Daily News.

Childhood obesity, lack of exercise not overeating.

Lack of exercise, not overeating is the major cause of childhood obesity, says researchers from a 4 year study. Although good nutrition is important for children’s general health, when it comes to reducing childhood obesity, the best solution is to keep them moving more. The kids studied were not problem children, but everyday children. Source: MSN Recipefinder

Childhood Obesity stimulants.

Adver-games touting sugary foods.

Adver-games are games on mobile phones or tablets usually featuring unhealthy foods like cereals, candy etc. These games get the kids hooked and addicted. It was found that children ate 50% more snack foods immediately after playing these games. The Federal Trade Commission, (FTC), has no authority over these markets, so each company sets its own rules. Source: ClickOrlando

How the fight is being played.

Nemours’ Healthy Habit Program takes the fight to preschool.

Several institutions are teaming up with Nemours to fight childhood obesity, and these starting from preschool. The program, Nemours’ Healthy Habit Program, begun in 2009, intends getting tots and teachers thinking more about eating fresh foods and less food from boxes, drinking lots of water instead of juice and sugar-sweetened beverages. The program is run by funds from charitable bodies. Source: Orlando Sentinel.

Reversing Adolescent Obesity.

This is a program that stresses education and self-improvement over obsessing over the weight scale. It is being rolled out in Framingham area after initial Boston launch in 2010. The program de-emphasizes anti-obesity style campaigns but instead relies on teaching kids command over their decisions. Results from the program will not be evident until the long-term. It is organized by the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center, Boston Massachusetts. Source: Framingham Tab.

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The combi-oven.

A cross between a steam and an oven, the combi-oven can make French fries without waistline-expanding oil. Its only problem is that it will cost each school about $18, 000. Most schools need two to cook for hundreds of children. Over one school year, a large high school switching to baked fries could take 5.4 million calories out of the cumulative diet of students, with 900,000 fewer grams of fat served. Source: Clarion Ledger.

Finally, you can be fat and happy if you have the FTO gene.

The notion of “fat but happy” could be bolstered by a new study. The FTO gene which is a major genetic contributor to obesity by hiking up calorie consumption has been linked to an 8% reduction in the risk for depression. This complicates the conventional wisdom that depression increases the risk of obesity. Yet, the study states that this reduction is not very much significant! Let’s just hope that feeling bad about your weight can just make you fatter. Source: Huffington Post Science.

Have any comments to make? Any link on childhood obesity to contribute? There is a comments box below.

( Related Post: Policy measures that could arrest rising health care costs from expanding waistlines. )

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Policy measures that could arrest rising health care costs from expanding waistlines.

How often do you read the labels on food you buy? It is a good thing to regularly do so. We tend to trust familiar brands, or end up buying food with too much calories or even rotten food. Talking about buying something that is bad for the health, rising obesity rates is a global problem. Expanding waistlines mean rising health-care costs for diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancers. What would you do when health-care costs are beyond your income? Not pretty much, except hope for government’s protection.

One of government’s role is to stem the tide of negative externalities such as rising obesity rates causing a problem for health-care delivery. Nola Ries, a University of Alberta researcher, has published several articles on how the government can help on controlling health-care costs due to rising obesity rates by taking action at all levels of the market: at the producers, the consumers, the government sector and educators.

Obesity is not the only guilty party.

As much as we all desire low cost healthcare, rising obesity rates is not the only cause of the problem. In an online article, a health care policy expert, David Hogberg, Ph.D, has argued that putting all Americans under Medicare, or Medicare for All, would not solve her problem of rising health care costs. Especially for Medicare recipients, Amy S. Kelly of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in another article, made it clear that the amount of spending for out-of-pocket health care expenses are rising and vary with the patient’s illness. Patients who require special arrangements, like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, account for a size-able difference in the spending patterns. According to Kelly, these out-of-pocket spending would surprise a lot of people if they had a look into available data.

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Whatever the size of the problem, proactive solutions have to start from somewhere. Ries defined her prescription as a multi-layered approach which would involve “…multiple levels -- directed at the food and beverage industry, at individuals, at those who educate and those who restrict -- must work together to be effective."

The Government will surely pick one from all these policy measures.

Policy measures that would involve the food and beverage industry include the possibility of zoning restrictions on new fast-food outlet locations. Maybe make junk food and high calorie food rarer in areas more prone to obesity so that it would be more expensive to reach out for one. She also advised on mandatory menu labeling. Menu labeling enables you as the consumer to make better food choices, is less coercive than taxation and outright bans, and furthermore, would help Americans understand the rationale for policy measures.

How about a junk food tax? This would increase the price of junk food, especially sugar sweetened beverages, and discourage consumption of these “sin” products by the younger and poorer sectors of the economy. This is not the first time a “sin tax” is being placed on consumables. Sin taxes exist on alcohol and tobacco in many parts of the world; is particularly much higher in France and Romania. The tax would also provide a revenue stream to help combat the problem in other levels. Professors Helen Jensen and John Beghin at the ISU do agree with her, but disagree on what stage of the production process the sin tax should be placed. A sin tax, they state, applied to sweetened goods on store shelves is not the most efficient, effective method of lowering caloric intake from sweet food and would be more disruptive to consumers than necessary. The goal is to reduce caloric consumption and the target, they believe, should be taxing the inputs rather than the finished products. These would allow food processors to reduce the amount of sweeteners they put into their products, will tend towards using more of the lesser-taxed artificial sweeteners and less of the higher-taxed sweeteners that are heavy in sugary products.

portions at margie’s diner. Credit:, Emdot.

Taxing sweet food at the store shelves would hurt the poor most, and maybe lose its impact, although the research does not make any claim about lowering obesity. The rising obesity rate has many factors and the amount of calories consumed is only one, the economists argue.

How about these? Would you be happy if the government gave you a $1 coupon every time you made a choice for healthy food as against junk? I really do not understand the economics of making that happen, but Ries believes it can also help combat rising health-care costs and declining fitness levels. She wants people to live happier, healthier and more active lifestyles. Fitness tax credits though are short term measures. "Instead of spending more money on educational initiatives to tell people what they already know -- like eat your greens and get some exercise -- I suggest it's better to focus on targeted programs that help people make and sustain behavior change."

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The government would surely take action, but what steps it would follow is left to policy makers. While they are at it, I have to remind you once again: eat healthy, get much exercise, stay off too much sweets and furthermore, make someone in the planet happy by donating to causes. I wish you all a happy healthier working week.

Source: Legislated to Health?

follow me on twitter, @emeka_david or be a friend on facebook, odimegwu david

Review: Phonak hearing aids at your service even in noisy environments

Hearing aids are digital equipment for sound collection, amplification and direction, into the ear. A basic hearing aid must include a microphone, amplifiers, receivers and batteries. It is traditionally expected that hearing aids should help one to hear better in a quiet environment. When it comes to a noisy environment, making a good choice can be a challenge. Audiologist and clinicians can help you if your lifestyle involves being in noisy environments, like a stadium or a restaurant.

According to a study conducted four years ago, hearing aids can meet the challenges of noisy environments. The studies showed that some hearing aids can work well there.

It was found that a new hearing aid technology, open-fit hearing aids, a type of behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids, when equipped with directional microphones, can perform well in noisy environments. Open-fit technology allows ambient sounds into the ear canal. This is more attractive than the traditional hearing aids which can create canal blockage. Directional microphones, on the other hand, help its user to distinguish conversation from background noise by partially cancelling out low frequency sounds coming from the sides and from behind. It was proved conclusively that open-fit hearing aids with directional microphones on average gave wearers a 20 percent improvement in speech intelligibility in a noisy environment, particularly a restaurant setting, compared to not having a hearing aid or wearing an open-fit aid without a directional microphone. This study was the first to show that this combination showed an improved performance in hearing sound. Open-fit hearing aids, a type of BTE hearing aids, have been in the market for a long time, but with the results of this research, audiologists and clinicians will readily recommend the technology with a directional microphone for a challenging noisy environment.

Phonak Hearing Aids

Phonak hearing aid brands have been ranked number three worldwide in the market. Phonak hearing aids come equipped with the basic features like microphones, amplifiers, receivers and long lasting batteries. Its brands have different styles like in-the-canal (ITC), in-the-ear (ITE), completely-in-the-canal (CIC) and behind-the-ear (BTE). Phonak’s BTE hearing aids come equipped with directional microphones. So, you can be sure that whether in a quiet environment or a challenging noisy environment, Phonak hearing aids can serve you well. You can visit the website for Phonak hearing aids for an overview of its product line.

Always remember to consult an expert for your lifestyles and needs before choosing any hearing aid. Remember also that hearing aids are costly. So, avoid falling into the trap of buying one that you’ll later regret doing so. Get yourself checked by an audiologist before a recommendation before taking a decision on hearing aids.

Source: Unaided and aided performance with a directional open-fit hearing aid.

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Where you need to have dentures fitted, go for removable traditional dentures

Many adults and teens go to the dentist when they lose their teeth. Losing one’s teeth could arise from an accident or from microbial infection to the teeth due to improper dental hygiene. Whatever the case, full or partial dentures have helped so many people restore their esteem and ability to chew again after they have lost their teeth.

Teeth decay from eating sugar is not because one eats too much sugar. This arises because the amount of sugar that has contact with the teeth for extended period of time is high. Teens obtain about 40 percent of their carbohydrate intake from soft drinks and this constant beverage use increases the risk of tooth decay. If one suffers tooth decay because he is taking too much sugar and has to have dentures fitted, he should consult a dentist and make sure the dentures fit well otherwise, he would fall into the same trap that caused the problem in the first place: eating of foods that are easy to chew and low in nutritional quality such as cakes or pastries.

It is better to be safe than sorry. It is better to maintain a high standard of oral hygiene than having to lose your tooth and have to replace them with devices that will help you to chew, speak and make you retain your self-esteem.

What if you needed a denture?

When looking for a denture, make sure you have one that is secured because if they are not, food could get in-between and make your mouth sore. Try the one you like, but not without consulting your dentists. Make sure you chose one that helps you to talk better because it could be embarrassing to have them fall when you are trying to talk.

Traditional dentures are viable replacement for your tooth. They are prosthetic devices that partially serve as false teeth. Traditional dentures could be partial or complete. The partial dentures are removable and can be inserted without much help, while the complete dentures are fixed, sometimes called dental bridges, and you need to have a dentist with you when being inserted.

Partial dentures might be your choice, if you were poor and cannot afford to pay the high cost of seeing the dentist often and on. They can be removed and reinserted without the help of a dental professional. They attach to the remaining natural teeth, with an ability to be removed for easy maintenance and cleaning. One other advantage removable partial dentures have is that one requires minimal tooth preparation for the device to be accommodated in the mouth.

It is good to get yourself a denture that is well secured, has good support and is well retained so that they do not have to fall out even when you are talking.

Nothing replaces taking care of the teeth

Nothing can replace taking care of your teeth. Sugar-free carbonated drinks and acidic beverages such as lemonade should be preferred over sugared beverages because they can contribute to de-mineralization of tooth enamel if consumed regularly.

Brush and floss your teeth regularly. When brushing, make sure you brush your tongue very well. Try to eat much of calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and proteins to ensure that the foundation of the teeth is strong because even with good brushing and flossing, a weak foundation would have made all that effort useless. Try to brush right after you eat very sweet food like chocolate and pastries.

I wish you do not have to get dentures. I wish that you can reverse the effects of your teeth decaying. But if on the other hand you cannot do without a denture, make sure that your dentures are fitted properly. If you are having difficulty chewing or have mouth discomfort, eat nutritious foods by having cooked vegetable instead of raw, canned fruits.

Although having a denture, whether a removable, fixed or complete, know that dentures do not come cheap. You can ask your dentist to give you a payment plan if possible. After all is said, the best you can do for yourself is to stop your teeth from decaying.


follow me on twitter, @emeka_david or be a friend on facebook, nnaemeka david

Even with braces, you can still look your best!

Your teeth needs alignment. Your dentist has recommended braces. Suddenly, there is a rush of blood to your face. How would you look to your friends with braces on? You don’t want to appear like a grumpy old woman because your teeth has to be straightened so you can chew properly, or speak clearly. Take heart! You are not the only one for whom braces has been recommended and you’ll never have to hide your teeth while speaking because you can wear braces and still look cute. Read my lips!

Braces are dental devices used to fasten teeth that have problems with alignment. They might be giving you problems with chewing, speaking or they are not perfectly straight and you want that defect corrected. Braces whether metallic, ceramic or the invisible lingual braces have been demonstrated to have helped many adolescents and adults to regain their confidence and self-esteem while still looking cute and attractive even though they have something stuck up on their tooth.

It takes some time to get used to wearing an appliance on your mouth. To beginner users, they can really be bothersome and make you self-conscious. Not only that, taking care of them after a meal can be a chore. If you don’t, food might get in between the wires and can result in microbial infection.

Braces come in different prices. Some are cheap while others are expensive. Ask your dentist to recommend one that is fitting for your budget. If you cannot pay for them and your dentist says you really need to have them, you can apply for insurance from an insurance company.

What is invisalign?

According to a survey, one in four persons who are fitted with braces, are adults. These users have testified to the fact that wearing braces that are invisible makes one more attractive than wearing metallic or stainless steel braces. Because they are conscious of how they look, many adolescents have resorted to putting on braces with colorings or having stars painted on them.

If you want invisible attractive braces, or you’d like braces that do not use wires but plastic, there is a new innovative technology of non-traditional braces called invisalign. These braces make you believe that you don’t have any appliance on. Furthermore, they make you more attractive and have been attested to by many persons to be more favored over metallic or ceramic braces. What these all means is that with invisalign line of braces, you do not have to worry about your looks, you do not have to spend more money to enhance your braces, and your gums will not be irritated by any wires or steel. Invisalign braces use plastic aligners to align your teeth in a more comfortable and aesthetic manner.

It will do you a lot of good to wear braces if your dentist recommends one. You do not have to worry about how your face will turn out. Whether you have a natural beautiful teeth or one that has been aligned with braces, you can still look your best. If your teeth are not well aligned, they become unstable and that is what will call for worry.

Using invisalign will not replace the fact that you must still have to go for regular checkups. Only that, your visits to the dentist will be less. Ensure that your follow your dentist’s instructions to the letter, especially to the cleaning of your braces after meals, so bacteria do not grow on them. No brace, no matter how state of the art, can replace your dentist.

follow me on twitter, @emeka_david or be a friend on facebook, nnaemeka david

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